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Trawel Guide

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Use this cheat sheet to remind yourself of what you need to check before your big trip.

A couple of months before

  • Re-check your itinerary. Make sure all dates, times, baggage allowance and seat allocations are correct.  If not, you will need to make changes sooner rather than later.
  • Ensure you have valid photo identification. You will need photo identification to check into your flight.  For international flights you will also need your passport.
  • Organize travel insurance. Don’t leave home without travel insurance; always be prepared with reliable travel insurance to cover you for unexpected events.
  • Talk to your doctor about vaccinations & travel medication. Visit your doctor at least a fewmonths before you leave, because some vaccinations and medication may take some time to become effective.  Be informed about regulations regarding any medication you’re planing to take into foreign countries.
  • When travelling overseas, make certain your passport is valid for at least six months.
  • Notify the airline about special requirements you have. Like if you need wheelchair  assistance, vegetarian food,...

Week before

  • Make copies of important documents. Have photocopies of your passport, credit and debit card numbers, itinerary, traveler’s cheques, insurance documents and travel visas. Keep these in a separate bag to their originals, and also keep a copy at home or with friends and family. Consider making an electronic copy you can store in your email account as well.
  • Always have local currency. Not every place takes credit cards. Especially important places like taxi or buses. Exchange rates at the airport are very offten not competitive.
  • Be informed about the United States customs laws. That can save you unnecessary delays and problems, by finding out what you’re allowed to take out of the US, and what to bring back.
  • Note the location of US embassies. A good precaution to take, is finding the availability and location of US embassies in the countries you’re visiting. These can be extremely helpful if you run into problems on your trip.
  • Inform your bank or credit card provider. Bank or credit card provider sometimes turn off your card as a security measure if they are not informed about zour travel.
  • Read a list of goods that are prohibited in carry-on luggage. Visit the Travel Security Administration website to find out about prohibited items and carry-on luggage liquid rules.

On the day of travel

  • Double check you have all the necessary paper work. Make sure you have your passport, insurance, photo ID, tickets, passport, itinerary, traveler’s cheques, travel Visas and credit cards. Do this well before leaving for the airport and again as you leaving.
  • Travel in comfortable clothing and footwear. If you’re travelling on a long international flight, make sure you wear something comfortable, allowing you to relax during the flight.  Also airports will often require a lot of walking, so wear suitable shoes.
  • Get to the airport early. Your ticket should tell you the recommended time to arrive before your flight. This will vary depending on the airport and where you’re travelling to. Generally arrive 2-3 hours before an international flight. If you’re unsure, refer to the airline’s website.

Uputstva za putovanja

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Nema ništa gore od saznanja da ste zaboravili nesto važno u trenutku kada ste već na aerodromu. Da bi smo to sprečili Magellan Tours je napravio listu stvari koje treba da proverite pre Vašeg putovanja.

Lista stvari koje treba da uraditi pre putovanja

Nekoliko meseci pre putovanja

  • Proverite raspored letenja – Proverite datume, vremena, pravila o dozvoljenom prtljagu i brojeve sedišta. Ako je potrebno promene učinite što ranije možete.
  • Proverite da li imate vazeća putna dokumenta– Da bi ste bili primljeni na let morate posedovati potrebna identifikaciona dokumenta, odnosno na međunarodnim putovanjima pasoš.
  • Obezbedite putničko osiguranje– Ne odlazite na putovanje bez putničkog osiguranja koje će pokriti eventualne iznenadne troškove.
  • Konsultujte se sa lekarom u vezi potrebnih i preporučenih vakcina i lekova za putovanje. Posetite Vašeg lekara najmanje mesec ili dva pre putovanja jer neke vakcine pocinju da deluju nakon određenog vremena. Raspitajte se u vezi zakona i pravila o unošenju lekova u inostranu državu.
  • Kada putujete u inostranstvo, proverite da Vam pasoš važi minimum 6 meseci nakon povratka sa putovanja.
  • Obavestite avio kompaniju o posebnim zahtevima ​na primer ako su vam potrebna invalidska kolica, želite da bude posluženi vegetarijanskom hranom i slično.

Nedelju dana pre putovanja

  • Napravite fotokopije važnih ličnih dokumenata, elektronske karte, rasporeda letova – Ponesite fotokopije pasoša, brojeva kreditnih kartica, rasporeda letova , putničkih čekova, putnog osiguranja. Držite ove kopije odvojeno od mesta gde se nalaze originali, takođe imajte kopiju i kod kuće odnosno kod rodbine ili prijatelja.
  • Posedujte određenu količinu lokalne valute – Iako su menjačnice i bankomati dostupni na velikom broju lokaciji širom sveta, preporučljivo je imati dovoljno lokalnog novca za vožnju taksijem sa aerodroma.
  • Proučite Američke carinske propise – Poštedite sebe nepotrebnih zadržavanja i problema tako što ćete se informisati sta smete iyneti iy Amerike i sta smete uneti kada se budete vraćali.
  • Zabaležite sebi adrese i brojeve telefona Američke ambasade i konzulata u zemlji gde putujete – Ovo vam može biti od velike pomoći ako zapadne u neke probleme.
  • Pažljivo pročitajte listu zabranjenih stvari u ličnom prtljagu – posetite web sajt Travel Security Administration

Jedan dan pre putovanja

  • Proverite da li imate sva potrebna dokumenta – pasoš, vize, polisu putničkog osiguranja, ličnu kartu, vozačku dozvolu, avionsku kartu, raspored letenja, kreditne kartice. Proverite ovo i neposredno pre polaska na aerodrom.
  • Putujte u udobnoj odeći u obući – Ako putujete na udaljeno putovanje nosite nešto udobno u čemu ćete moći da se relaksirate tokom putovanja. Aerodromi cesto zahtevaju dosta pešačenja stoga obujte udobnu obuću.
  • Budite na aerodromu najmanje 2.5 – 3 sata pre leta.